By Roger Caldwell
Everywhere you look in America, it looks like the Republicans, the minority party in the country, is winning. The majority of the Republicans oppose everything President Biden and the Democrats are supporting and doing.
It is very easy for the Republicans to claim that President Biden’s administration is the cause of inflation, high gas prices, and the rise of crime in the inner cities resulting from defunding the police departments. Also the administration has allowed border security to become non-existent, and many of the schools are teaching children negative thoughts about America.
“More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year, according to voter registration data analyzed by The Associated Press. The previously unreported number reflects a phenomenon that is playing out in virtually every region of the country – Democratic and Republicans states along with cities and small towns – in the period since President Biden replaced former President Trump,” says AP reporter, Steve Peoples.
If this analysis is factual and true, it puts the Democrats and President Biden on the defensive, and it is time to get to work. It would appear that the Republicans are gaining more new voters than the Democrats, with no platform.
Having President Biden with a job approval rating of between 38 to 41%, the majority of the country is angry and upset with some of his decisions. The mid-term elections will be extremely tight and the Supreme Court decisions with Roe V. Wade are in the Democrats favor. Hopefully, more Democrats will show up at the polls to demonstrate their disfavor with the Supreme Court.
The Democrats would like to believe that President Biden is taking the country in the right direction, but with the baby formula shortage, and possibly a food shortage the country is on high alert. There is confusion everywhere in the country, and the voters have no idea of which party to turn too.
It is real easy for the Republican Party to say that the Democrats are out of touch with the American people, and the GOP is the answer. Even though they don’t have a platform, they practice American values, and the majority of them are White.
According to the latest Gallup poll in 2021, it indicated that Americans considered 49% of them Democrat, and 40% considered themselves Republicans. This is the largest gap since 2012, but 28 states have a Republican governor, and 22 states have a Democratic governor. Since most of the young people able to vote at 18 are progressive, it would appear that there would be more Democrats, on the polls, but the minority keeps winning.
“Republicans benefited last year as suburban parents grew increasingly frustrated by prolonged pandemic-related schools closures. And as inflation intensified more recently, the Republican National Committee has been hosting voter registration events at gas stations in suburban areas across swing states like Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania to link the Biden administration to record-high gas prices,” says reporter Steve Peoples.
The mid-term election will be won in the trenches, and Democrats cannot take the Black vote for granted. Historically, the mid-term election has a small turn out in certain locations, and the Democrats didn’t seem to have a plan to get Blacks to the polls.
Diversity is the key to success and winning in the 2022 mid-term elections. In order to educate and get the word out on who is running as a progressive Democrat, the Democratic Party must spend money with the Black Media and Black community.
The Democratic Party must not take the Black and Brown communities for granted, but spend and invest money in Black newspapers, Black marketing, Black churches, Black organizations, and Public Relations firms. The Democratic Party and candidates with funding cannot wait until the last 2 months of the election to spend and invest in the Black and Brown communities.