By Nicole Nutting and Don Valentine
She said: My friend, I am so glad to see some White eyes opening in my lifetime. Can you believe this racial window of awakening we are experiencing? While I’m not a big football fan I know that naming your team the “Redskins” is a middle finger shot to the Native Americans”! You good Old boys could not have picked another name? How about Washington “Coons,?” Washington “Wet-backs”, “Washington Queers?” Don don’t get me started!
He said: Dude you know it always comes down to financial pressure. When Dan Snyder was given an edict to change the name or lose corporate naming rights, he tucked his tail. He had requests for decades that the “Redskin” name was inappropriate. He said, “Go Kick rocks”. When the corporate sponsor Fed Ex told him to change his course, the path changed Fast. Nicole Mr. Snyder became a responsible member of society.
You’re not naive! He pulled out the calculator and subtracted the patrons not buying tickets or concessions. Then Concluded “I Can’t afford to lose a sponsor NOW!
She said: Yep, money is a potent persuader, but it’s also a double-edged sword. In this case it bankrolled a positive change, but consider how Putin’s financial backing of our traitorous President has influenced politics. Trump has thrown every American under the bus, backed up, and run over us again numerous times to please his master. He’s done to us exactly what police did to George Floyd, put his knee on our necks and WE CAN’T BREATHE!