The Westside Gazette

The worst football team in the History of the USA!

James Hankins

James Hankins

Letter to Editor

 By James J.  Hankins

      Team name, TRUMP and the forty-five thieves; Uniform color, confederate gray; Owners: NRA, Big Pharma and Insurance Industries; General Manager Charles Koch; Coach Mike Ditka; quarterback, TRUMP; back-up quarterback Mike Pence; center, Mitch McConnell; tight-end, Lindsey Graham; wide receivers: Thom Tillis, David Perdue, Steve Daines and David Rozier; fullback, Mike Pompeo; Halfback, Cory Gardner; middle linebacker, William Barr; defensive end, Steve Mnuchin; cornerback, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy; free safety, Rudy Giuliani ;cheerleaders: Susan Collins, Joni Ernst, Martha McSally, Betsy DeVos and Nikki Haley; punter CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield; field goal kicker FDA Director, Dr. Stephen Hahn;   mascot, Tyrannosaur Rex; lonesome ends: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carson; Team Fight song, Dixie; Team memorabilia: mega hats, confederate flags and Nazi symbols; Meals before each game include: salad with Russian dressing, onion garlic soup,  medium-rare red meat, white potatoes, cauliflowers, white bread and angel food cake. Team Evangelist Jerry Falwell, Jr. says an uplifting prayer and they all repeat part of the 51st Psalm “wash me and make me whiter than snow.” There are two long sentences in The Declaration of Independence (paraphrased) that TRUMP and most of his GOP posse including legislative and judicial branches chose to ignore. “We hold these truths to be self-evidence that all men are created equal”. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the right/duty of the people to alter or abolish it by VOTING”. Election day is November 3rd. Are you registered???

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