Letter To The Editor
By Jake Pickering
For those of you who have never read the infamous, effusive personal praise heaped upon convicted sex trafficking pedophile pimp to the billionaire class – Jeffrey Epstein – by Epstein’s biggest fan and close personal friend Donald Trump, here’s the link to the October 28, 2002, New York Magazine article “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery”: https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912
Disgusting Donald did indeed say the following about Trump’s apparent partner in sex crimes against children, Jeffrey Epstein, with whom Trump was often seen and photographed together in public, both in Manhattan and in Palm Beach, Florida:
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, he’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Or so says the former owner and proprietor/perpetrator of the Miss Teen Universe Pageant, Donald Trump! Trump & Epstein were like two per-verted peas in a pedophile pod. Just ask Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime criminal companion Ghislaine Maxwell.
And just look at all the available photos and videos of Florida’s version of the Fab Four: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Donald Trump, and Melania Trump. Reportedly, Donald and Melania were originally introduced to each other by Epstein and Maxwell. Pictures don’t lie. These four were clearly close friends, and the Trumps made no secret of that fact until after Epstein’s first arrest in 2006.
And we all of course recall how uncommon it is for truculent Trump to say anything nice about ANY woman; however, misogynistic monster Donald Trump inexplicably said the following when Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested during July 2020 for sex trafficking a 14-year-old child, among many other heinous, felonious acts against children:
“I don’t know – I haven’t really been following it too much. I just wish her well, frankly. I have met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is.”
Ghislaine Maxwell’s upcoming criminal trial is scheduled to begin later this month, so long as Ms. Maxwell does not succumb to so-called “suicide”, the same way her criminal companion Jeffrey Epstein supposedly did in 2019 prior to his trial for sex trafficking, etc. Fortunately for Ghislaine Maxwell, Trump and his Attorney General Bill Barr are no longer in charge of the Justice Department or her protective custody.
Donald Trump, as the entire world knows, is terrible at hiding the truth, and as prolifically dishonest as Trump is, he is such an incredibly incompetent liar he usually will end up admitting to his own guilt eventually, including infuriatingly pretending as if the fact that he voluntarily incriminated himself openly will somehow absolve him. It won’t.
For instance, among Donald Trump’s many disturbing, disgusting, creepy public comments about his favorite daughter Ivanka – made both while Ivanka was a child and an adult – here’s Donald Trump at his grossest from a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone magazine making an incestuous sexual reference to his biological daughter Ivanka:
“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…”