The Westside Gazette

Tips for women determined to stay fit and energized, no matter their age

Tips for women determined to stay fit and energized, no matter their age

If hot flashes and night sweats weren’t enough, many women who reach their menopause years have an additional adversary to contend with.

They experience weight gain around the belly and waist, and they quickly learn it’s a struggle to do anything about it.

“Somewhere around menopause, many women find their clothes becoming a size too small,” says Mache Seibel, M.D., a leading American expert on menopause and author of The Estrogen Window (

“Why is that? Is it simply an aging issue or is it directly related to menopause and the lack of estrogen?”

Seibel says that part of the problem behind what some people call the “middle-age spread” is visceral fat that lies deep within the abdominal cavity, and is different from the subcutaneous fat that lies directly under the skin. Visceral fat (Seibel says it could just as well be called “vicious fat”) can contribute to a host of diseases that increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, joint disease and type 2 diabetes.

A large number of studies, he says, show that postmenopausal women have greater amounts of visceral fat compared to pre-menopausal women. One contributing reason is the natural decline of estrogen levels in the body.

And, of course, health problems aren’t the only concern when weight gain starts happening.

“Studies show that being overweight or obese is more than a medical issue,” Seibel says. “It also affects quality of life and self-esteem.”

Seibel suggests that women who want to control the accumulation of visceral fat should explore a regimen that combines diet and exercise efforts with estrogen therapy. Specifically, he says:

And the ROI is a healthier, happier and more vibrant life.

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