The Westside Gazette

Trouble Shooting Haiti’s’ Earthquake Problems 

Dr. Phillip Wright, Ph.D.

By Dr. P. Wright PH.D.

According to earthquakes in Haiti, it seems that Haiti needs scientific research of the earthquakes. Scientists need to research the hypo center below the earth where an earthquake begins. The hypo center reaches the epi center which is located at  the earths’ surface. The scientists need to examine where the hypo center is which is part of the fault line. Haiti might not be able to continue to live in specific areas of Haiti  due to the frequency of the earthquake fault line. There is also a rumor about the tree that is considered to be evil that some Haitians gather to worship each year around the tree. It is said they do this  at a specific date and time. Some Haitians do not believe that this tree is evil, and if you worship it, it is for  Gods’ protection.

Is there any truth to that rumor?

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