The Westside Gazette

Voter Suppression Mr. President?

By Nicole Nutting and Don Valentine 

She Said: The one-trick pony and Master of Diversionary Tactics is at it again. Really, the only thing Donald Trump excels at is changing the subject. How to divert attention from 100,000 American deaths directly attributable to his ineptitude and disinterest?  Oh, of course–pitch a major whining rant about mail ballots! The man is running scared of dropping poll numbers, so it’s time to drag out the Republican playbook on voter suppression.

`To paraphrase the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “How do I cheat thee? Let me count the ways!” Gerrymandering? Check. Moving poll locations for maximum inconvenience? Check. Purging voter rolls? Check. Poll tax? Check. Pretty sad when the only way a political party can win an election is by cheating.

Trump would like us to think, despite any evidence, that mail-in ballots produce a fraudulent vote count. Nancy Pelosi on MSNBC  last week stated that mail ballots, already used in numerous states, haven’t shown to give an unfair advantage to either party. Trump’s own committee tasked with investigating voter fraud came up empty-handed, and Trump himself votes by mail. Obviously his allegations are unsupported by facts, and even Twitter smacked him on the wrist with a fact check link in his mendacious tweets!

However, there is always a back-end advantage to his fabrications: built into the narrative is his escape hatch. When he loses in November he will blame it on a rigged election. Because, you know, rich entitled White men can do no wrong and nothing is ever HIS fault.

One hundred thousand dead Americans would disagree with that, if only they could…

   He said: Old friend, you are so correct! I hope the readers don’t fall for the scam that #45 had the empathy to call for an F.B.I. investigation on the police murder of George Floyd. If you know your history you might recall his comments on the “Central Park 5”.  Trump does not give a rip about Black folk. What knucklehead would put an acclaimed brain surgeon as your token Black to head up Housing and Urban Development?”

Readers get your mail-in ballots. We can’t have another 4 years of stupidity and vanity!


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