The Westside Gazette

We’re Producing the First Black Owned Supermarket Carrying All Black Owned Products

Two years ago, We Buy Black led a successful crowd-fund raising over $110,000 on Kickstarter, a non-Black owned crowdfunding site. Today, we are crowdfunding for $1.2 Million dollars to produce a Black owned Supermarket on an African American owned Crowdfunding platform,  Created by two brothers in Houston, Tex., We Fund Black launched this Black History Month featuring a major campaign to establish Soul Food Market.

Soul Food Market will be the first African American owned supermarket chain which sells 100% of its products from our community. The selection of naturally grown vegetables and fruits will be sourced from Black farmers in Georgia. New and exciting Black owned products ranging from everyday necessities such as diapers and detergent to all-natural household cleaning products will stock the shelves!

Currently crowdfunding for its flagship store in Atlanta, Ga., Soul Food Market is raising $1.2 million dollars in 30 days to purchase a facility currently under contract for its renovation and operations. Soul Food Market has plans to become an international supermarket chain.

Benefits of our own Grocery Store?

  1. We plan to source our produce from local and neighboring state African American farmers.
  2. Becoming one of the largest distributors for Black owned products.
  3. Hire our youth and those in our community that have a passion for healthy living.
  4. Encourage healthy living and reduce our community’s obesity and other health related issues.
  5. Help redirect the 1 trillion dollars spent outside our community each year, and to establish one of the most essential parts to any community, a grocery store.
  6. Become an institution large enough to help secure a future for our community’s generations to come.

What’s will happen with the money raised?

It’s very important that we prove this model will work. There’ve been many attempts at having a successful Grocery store/supermarket in the Black community, however faced with many obstacles we often close. Even the largest African American owned Supermarket Chain, Calhoun Foods recently closed for a multitude of reasons. Therefore, this is an attempt at something that is still extremely needed in our community, and the We Buy Black movement, along with resourceful professionals and community members will put our best foot forward. Help us bring this to fruition. 

We’re Asking Our Supporters for Help!

This initiative is something we all, no matter our location, want to see established in our perspective cities. We have over 560,000 followers, however we are calling on our supporters. If only 10% of our following gave $20, this campaign would be complete. Please, contribute today.

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