The Westside Gazette

What in the Alkaline?

Melanated Glow

By Melanated Glow

Recently the word Alkaline has been spoken more frequently than years past. We now have alkaline water being sold in grocery stores next to the purified and distilled waters with a more inflated cost than its predecessors. So, what is alkaline and what is the “craze” truly about?

Alkaline refers to the pH (potential or “power” of Hydrogen) in food, soil, liquids, etc. The pH takes on a value from 0 to 14 where 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline. Most drinking water has a neutral pH of 7. So what does all of this have to do with the overall health of our physical body?

Health is achieved when every part of our body can operate as it was designed. Different parts of our body functions optimally at different pH levels. For example, our blood is slightly alkaline ranging from 7.35 to 7.45, while our stomach is acidic ranging from 1.5 to 6.5 depending on the part, and our intestines are slightly alkaline with pH 7 to 8.5. Our body is constantly working to maintain a healthy environment for health and longevity with each part performing as it was designed. The lungs help to regulate the pH in the blood by removing carbon dioxide through breathing. This is one reason why deep breathing from the diaphragm is so powerful! The kidneys also assist balancing the pH in the body by removing acids through the urine. So again, why is there so much recent talk about having an alkaline diet, drinking alkaline water, and the alkalinity of the body?

As with everything in life, there needs to be balance. Our bodies operate to ensure that it maintains a balance, meaning that too much or too little alkaline is bad causing disease. The emphasis for more alkalinity in the body has everything to do with the food and water available to us today, as well as the quality of the air we breathe as the lungs are used to regulate the blood as mentioned.

The food and water purchased in the stores today tend to be more acidic as a whole. Fruit and vegetables are being harvested from trees before time so they can survive the transport nationally and/or internationally in order to be sold. The water today is being purified of its natural minerals before consumption. We are not growing our food in mineral rich soil or tending to its development as our ancestors and elders did before. For all of these reasons and more we tend to need more alkaline consumption for our overall balance. This fact leads to the 80/20 diet of eating 80% alkaline and 20% acid foods for the best health. It is important to note that all “alkaline” products are not made the same.

Most of the bottled alkaline water in the states is ionized using electrolysis. Electrolysis is an electrical process that removes the acidic components in the water leaving it with only the alkaline parts. This process represents an unnatural approach attempting to mimic the result of the water from mountains, wells, and springs that is naturally alkaline. As much as we can try to replicate the natural processes of the Earth, it will not be as pure as the true source resulting in side effects and unanticipated responses. The rocks and boulders that clean the waters of our springs have been here for billions of years accumulating life giving properties along the journey. This authentic process cannot be artificially duplicated with the same level of quality.

To alkaline or not to alkaline? What is the answer? We need to be mindful of our balance. We can provide our bodies with balance by incorporating naturally alkaline foods and drinks into our daily routine. Education on the what, how, and why will help us make better decisions on what to put inside of our bodies, and at what time, so that every part of us will regenerate properly! Eating dark green leafy vegetables helps to regulate the body just as it does with the air and ocean, especially if you grow it in love!

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