‘The body must follow the head’
Question: Do I have to go to church in order to get to heaven?
Answer: Not necessarily, but by not attending church you are setting yourself up not to get to heaven. Church isn’t a requirement to earn salvation and get to heaven. Salvation is a gift from God and it is earned by your faith and belief that through Jesus we are saved (John 3:16). So, going to heaven depends on your confession and your belief in God and His Son Jesus (Romans 10:9-10).
The bible teaches that saved people should fellowship together (Hebrews 10:24-25). Church is the vehicle where fellowship will take place. God expects us to assemble together. The benefits of joining a church and attending on a regular basis are unlimited. In church you will surround yourself with other spiritual minded people. Authentic friendships are discovered. Husbands and wives are found in church. Church causes accountability of ‘what says the Lord’. Other Christians will encourage you to stay strong in a world that is ruled by sin. You will learn what your spiritual gifts are and how these gifts are to be used in society. You will realize that the unsaved way of life was ‘garbage’ compared to the Christian way of life.
Scripture teaches that Jesus is the head of the church. The Bible also instructs that if Jesus is the head then we are the body. Where the head goes the body must follow. How can we claim that Jesus is the head of our lives and not worship Him in service? Satan wants you to believe that you can make it on your own. There are some bad experiences one might have in some churches. Join a spiritual based church. Get involved by joining one of the many committees that church has to offer. Be active in church and learn what your life purpose is.
Reverend Deal is the senior pastor at Every Christian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Reverend Deal can be reached at the Westside Gazette, 545 N.W. Seventh Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Fla 33311, or by email @David.deal55@gmail.com