By J. Glover Sessions
Empowering mothers to change their world through voting’
The journey will continue on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 11 a.m. A Community Mother’s Day Worship Service will observe “Community Mothers of Leadership” at The Historic Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church, 249 S. W. 10 St., Belle Glade, Fla. where Rev. William E. Cooper, Jr., serves as Pastor. A special dimension of the service will include the new voting laws and an orientation in updating parishioners for the upcoming election. Rev. Brown is no stranger to the Belle Glade community where she served for numerous years as a community leader in rebuilding and uniting children and families.
Rev. Brown, currently serves as the Director of Christian Education for Historic Mount Hermon African Methodist Episcopal Church, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. believes that “Christian education is the backbone to the ministry of the church.” It is about teaching, training and applying the gospel to a person’s everyday life in becoming a productive human being.
Brown, is a graduate of Dillard High School (DHS), Fort Lauderdale, Fla. and a leader at DHS during her formative years, was elected as “Most School Spirited” among her graduating class. Because of her compassionate spirit in being of service in the community, she has inspired others to achieve and give back to the community in numerous ways.
Rev. Brown later matriculated to Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Fla., graduating with a B.S. degree in Sociology/Social Work and later earned a Master’s degree in Adult Basic Education. She subsequently graduated and earned a Master’s degree in Christian Education with certification in Theology at the Interdenominational Theological Center of Turner Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga.
Her vision is to challenge Mothers, Women, Fathers and Men in changing their World through voting, which will also change every aspect of their lives.
The community is cordially invited to attend. For further info. call (954) 463-6309 Fort Lauderdale and (561) 996-3898 Belle Glade, Fla.
This event is sponsored by the Missionary Society of Mt. Hermon A.M.E. Church. Rev. Willie J. Cook, Sr., host pastor, Mrs. Dorothy D. Cook, WMS advisor, Mrs. Beverly Warren, president.