The Westside Gazette

Place man Charter on God Arthropathies

The Love of Christ (John 3:16)

  1. Disappointment activated Love (Genesis 6:6)
  2. This Love was from God which activated the need for Christ!
  3. Agape of Agapaos
  4. Words to stare at: “It” Repented”, the LORD”
  5. Grace & Mercy or unmerited favor & lovingkindness


  1. All-inclusive Love (John 3:16)
  2. Now that a need for sacrifice is present, GOD sends…
  3. Jesus takes his ministry to the streets Matt.4

3.Matthew 9:10-13 Jesus eats w/sinners….

  1. 1 Peter 4:8 reiterates Proverbs 10:1

5.There are sinful people in places where no love exists

  1. His Love in us
  2. John 13:34,35 Love is action!
  3. 1 John 4:20– …hateth his brother but love God…?
  4. Romans 8:38-For I am persuaded….
  5. 1 Corinthians 13


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