The Westside Gazette

‘Test Your Bible Knowledge’

Bible Trivia

  1. The study of The Doctrine Of The Scripture is called?
  2. The study of The Doctrine Of God is called?
  3. The study of The Doctrine Of Man is called?
  4. The study of The Doctrine Of Sin is called?
  5. The study of The Doctrine Of Salvation is called?
  6. The study of The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit is called?
  7. The study of The Doctrine Of The Church is called?
  8. The study of The Doctrine Of Angels is called?
  9. The study of The Doctrine Of The Last Things is called?


The answers will be provided in next week’s issue!


**Biblical note** There is a relationship between the body, soul and spirit. God’s interest in the human body is shown in the Doctrine Of Divine Healing. If Jesus heal the sick, so can you. It is the will of God for His people to seek Divine Healing. It is a solemn command.

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