The Westside Gazette

Valedictorian who recited Lord’s Prayer gets attacked by anti-religion groups

Roy Costner IV

Valedictorian who recited Lord’s Prayer gets attacked by anti-religion groups

By Boyce Watkin in Christian News

     High school valedictorian, Roy Costner IV, 18, who ripped up his prepared speech and instead delivered the Lord’s Prayer, has come under attack from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).

During his high school graduation ceremony at Liberty High School in Pickens, South Carolina last Saturday, Costner stunned the packed crowd when he tore up his prepared and accepted speech on stage and said to the audience, “I think most of you will understand when I say…”

Costner had just finished thanking his mother and father for leading him to Christ at an early age and directly after this he began to recite the Lord’s Prayer.

The crowd started to slowly applaud and cheer as Costner continued with the prayer and by the end the crowd had virtually erupted in loud applause and cheering.

A video of Costner’s speech was posted on YouTube and has had thousands of hits and hundreds of likes.

Costner said that he was happy with what he did. He added that he wanted to thank and glorify God and he hopes that others like him will also take a stand for what they be-lieve in.

“If you deny me among men, I will deny you to the Father,” Costner said in response to his critics, quoting a passage from the Gospel of Matthew.

As for the complaints from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Costner said that we live in a nation that has freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

However, the FFRF holds the school district responsible for Costner’s defiance. They claim that Costner inflicted prayer on a captive audience. They also blame the school district for setting the example by holding prayers at school board meetings.

The FFRF filed a complaint last year that the school district was encouraging “unconstitutional prayer practice.”

However, Costner will not be penalized for his prayer rendition, according to a school district spokesperson.

Costner said that he came up with the idea to recite the Lord’s Prayer about two weeks ago when he was summoned to the principal’s office.

According to Costner, the principal told him that it was not allowed during the graduation ceremony to mention anything about God or Allah and that his speech would have to be approved before he went on stage.

More power to prayer.



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