Browsing: selected members of “The Teaching Our Own History” Task Force will publish articles for dissemination through The National Black Press

 “Teaching Our Own History (TOOH) Task Force” tasked my organization, Five and Two Solutions Group Inc. (FTSG) to write this article “Reviewing Our Past.”  I accepted the task as a privilege and honor.   This came about after a briefing, that encompassed pre-slavery to present day, provided to the Task Force on the “Five and Two Solutions’ New World African (NWA) Studies, A Primer to Decision Making Process.” NWA is also an Ayisyen (Haitian) word which means black. 

Our Task Force will present to the government, a comprehensive curriculum that correctly and effectively teaches Africa and African Americans history to students in Florida’s public schools.   Moreover, we will develop 40 plus “Freedom Schools” by 2025. We will not sit idly by and allow any governor to erase the accurate teaching of Black History.