
Move to Reclassify Cannabis Raises Public Safety Concerns

       The federal government’s proposal to reclassify marijuana from Schedule 1 to Schedule 3 has sparked debate over its impact on drug testing, especially in safety-sensitive jobs. Schedule 1 drugs lack accepted medical use and have a high potential for abuse. The process for a Controlled Substance Act rule change could take a year, and approval would not automatically end the federal ban on marijuana. […]


Why Covid-19 is spreading this Summer

       This summer in the United States, Covid-19 rates are reportedly particularly high in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada. In these western states, the number of positive tests reached 15.6% on the week ending July 6th, 1% up on the previous week. The CDC’s investigations show that viral rates in wastewater are also on the rise once again. […]


Mental Wellbeing Matters More Than You May Think

       Dr. Mack added, “I offer services that specifically address minority mental health, including one-on-one coaching tailored to help women of color. These sessions focus on overcoming challenges like the stereotype of being the ‘angry Black woman,’ the pressure to hide mental health issues out of fear of appearing weak, and the burden of carrying heavy emotional and social loads.” […]


New Study Reveals Heightened Fear and Mistrust of Health System in Black Community

   A recent Pew Research Center study, based on responses from over 4,700 Black adults in September, highlighted widespread beliefs about medical mistrust within the community. Over half of the respondents believe that the healthcare system was designed to hinder the health and success of Black people living in the U.S. The findings underscore how this mistrust acts as a significant barrier to addressing current racial health disparities in the United States and the persistent concerns about the historical mistreatment of Black patients by the medical community, alongside ongoing experiences of discrimination. […]


Deion Sanders’ Update on His Amputation: “I’m Fighting Back!”

       Sanders’ casual and confident demeanor underscored his pride and resilience. “I’m proud of my amputation,” he declared, emphasizing his determination to fight back against his health challenges. Sanders’ journey, filled with numerous surgeries and significant physical setbacks, showcases his spirit and relentless drive. “I’m not shy about what transpired. I’m back. I’m fighting back, baby,” he continued. […]