
It’s Not a Secret I Just Gotta Love You

     So here we are, living and breathing creatures in the universe.  I submit to you that God’s word about us is pure. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 says it simple enough. “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” […]


Don’t Throw Your Own Pity Party and Then Attend

     The truth is God can’t or won’t even deal with you until you comply with the rule of forgiveness. He says, “If you come to the altar with your gift and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift and go be reconciled with your brother; then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23. You got to let it go. You have to in order to claim your freedom, your peace. […]


Wear Your Armor

How do we put on spiritual armor? We do so by daily absorbing scripture as truth, living in obedience to God, sharing the gospel and trusting Christ. That’s how to put armor on, study the Word, live according to biblical principles, and believe that we live in a place infused with Jesus’ protection. That knowledge will protect us as we come under spiritual attack. It doesn’t protect us from spiritual attack. But it does it makes us less vulnerable, less susceptible to the ‘devil’s schemes’ i.e. better able to handle what comes at us. […]


“Daddy Do I Have to?”

If you think about it, your and my spiritual freedom has been blood bought and arguably remains the most significant event in documented history. In the grand scheme of things, the Word became flesh in order for us to reclaim eternal life, that life Adam rejected with but one bite of one piece of forbidden fruit. Jesus’ sacrifice, by design, was an act of love so great that humankind will forever be the beneficiary. […]


Spiritually Speaking

Whenever we come to Satan in biblical study, it pretty much occupies a lot of my attention. I’m always encouraged to know that God’s plan is pretty precise and fairly obvious to those who are looking for His Word. […]


Spiritually Speaking….

     We all know people who have heart-wrenching testimony about faith’s manifestation in tremendously dire situations in their lives. When the chips are down and backs are up against the wall, I too can recall how God has interceded and positively impacted very negative and hopeless moments. And I believe if you’re honest with yourself, you can too. […]