The discussion was not the usual tense mudslinging the Street Detective has become accustomed to. It was cordial and each Board member was committed to listening to their constituents.
Browsing: Trails In The Sand by Peter Traceit
Perhaps the BCPS Board should have check their list twice
No one is revealing the name that Super Pete used to describe Black Board member, Torey Alston, but Pete understands that it is a word used during slavery that was swirled from massah’s mouth with the intent of dehumanizing a grown Black man in a similar way as the n-word. It’s a little word, only three letters, but it leaves a punch to the gut of Black men that is emasculating.
Hip Hip Hooray. Super Pete has committed to listening to the community. It is time for the community to wake up and have a seat at the table before they and their children become the main course.
Street Detective Peter Traceit wants accountability. Superintendent Peter Licata talked about accountability until he was blue in the face as he sought the top job. There has to be some accountability starting with the arresting officer and ending with the Chief of Safety.
Is there a Vito Corleone in BCPS? Is Holeness oneness and is there a Gov. Jones in waiting?
What’s a Bowl without Soul-its just a game
We Cowards to stand and deliver for our Children
Ol Pete watched with glee as Alfreda Coward of Coward and Coward Law spoke truth to power in the most eloquent way possible at the Board meeting on Tuesday. If you recall, Ol Pete called it months ago when reporting that Broward schools uses the process of “rejecting all bids” when a vendor who they don’t like wins a contract. Coward and her sister, Kimberly responded to a request for proposal to provide legal services to the district. Only two vendors applied, and Coward and Coward were awarded the bid. District staff notified them that they had won and began the process of negotiating contract terms.
Public, Private, Charter Eeny Meeny Miny Moe-who will go-where’s Dr. Wanza