
What is prostate cancer?

    Cancer is a term that describes a collection of related diseases. Cancer occurs when some of the body’s cells divide continuously and begin to invade surrounding cells. Cancerous cells can start anywhere in the body and spread to localized regions and then to distant parts away from the site of origin. When cancer cells begin in the region of the prostate – a gland in the male reproductive system that produces and contains seminal fluid – it is called prostate cancer. […]


Cancer in Minority Communities

       The Coronavirus pandemic has brought into sharp relief the issues of health disparities and differences in health outcome between Blacks/African Americans, and the general US population. It has produced greater burdens in disease and economic outcomes for minority communities, when compared with others. This is not a new trend; it is a longstanding issue observed across many disease spectrums. Cancer has marked disparities between Blacks and others with respect to disease management and survival. […]