
What, Biden because there is no other?

   We get crumbs in return for our vote. Placing Blacks in administrations has the appearance of political payoffs to the Black base, but they in no way have actual power. Notice where real economics is concerned, you see no Black people on  the money! Biden talks to Black people about jobs (a lingering 1960s tact continued because it works) but nothing about economic opportunities for Black people who are segregated from the financial sector of society. There is no quid pro quo relationship between the political party and the persons Black people vote for; what we get in return for our vote is miniscule, at best, and does not equal the value of our vote. […]

Local News

Appeals Court Weighs ‘Stop WOKE Act’

Grappling with issues of government power and academic freedom, a federal appeals court Friday heard arguments in a battle about a 2022 Florida law that restricts how race-related concepts can be taught in state universities — a law that Gov. Ron DeSantis dubbed the “Stop WOKE Act.” […]


For some it’s a game of deception

     As the United States stands on the edge of a precipice, staring down the barrel of potential civil strife, it is crucial to reflect on the state of our democracy and the peril it faces. At the center of this storm is a former president who has been convicted of 34 felonies, charged with sexual abuse and defamation of writer E. Jean Carroll and alleged to have incited an insurrection. His actions have sown division and fear, conspiring with our adversaries and seeking to disenfranchise Black and Brown communities. The sheer audacity of this man, who, instead of seeking forgiveness, continues to spread lies and propaganda, even in sacred spaces like Black churches, is an affront to the very essence of our nation’s values. […]

Local News

Miami-Dade Judge Could Face Reprimand

A Miami-Dade County circuit judge could face a public reprimand after an investigation concluded that he improperly commented on a motion to disqualify him from a case. An investigative panel of the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission recommended a reprimand for Circuit Judge Alberto Milian, according to documents posted Monday on the Florida Supreme Court website. […]