Black Trumpers

Lucius Gantt

The Gantt Report

 By Lucius Gantt

   I don’t get it. I think I should, but I’ll probably never truly understand why so many so-called Black progressives are so quick to praise the law violator and candidate for the United States presidency.

I’m not a rapper or entertainer. I’ve written a book of poetry but I’m more of a “Last Poets” guy rather than a Flava Flav.

I’m embarrassed when I see my people in various limelights talking about how great it will be to have a convicted felon, white nationalist and white supremacist entertaining klansmen and neo-nazis in the, appropriately named, “White House”.

I’ve been told that Black millionaires adore Donald Trump because Trump will cut taxes for rich Americans.

Well, if you do a rudimentary glance at American moneymakers, you’ll find that a million dollars is not as much as it may seem. Rich is not “wealthy”.

After you pay off your bills, buy a house, and buy a car, your million dollars could be gone like the monetary wind! After taxes, your million dollars could be less than $500,000.

Many Black men and women that you love and patronize are not political experts. They probably get their political knowledge from the internet.

Instagram and TicTok “political posts” made by foreign assets are not the best way to find political truths. You can’t possibly judge any candidate by viewing 15 or 30 second posts made by foreign nationals from communist countries that hate America and want to divide and conquer America.

If you want to learn about politics, you should read. I am one of a very few Black men that has books in every room of his house. I read books written by authors that interest me, I read multiple newspapers and magazines every day from around the world.  I read research materials.

Do you remember the days of slavery? I know slavers and overseers beat us; I know they used us. I know they abused us and worked our ancestors so hard.

Perhaps you know slave traders believed if you want to hide something from Black people, put it in a book! Black people were punished, or killed, for trying to learn how to read.

Today, it is easy to post fake, false and misleading information about politics and political consequences on the internet.

Black Trumpers are having a field day assisting the Russian Babayka by misleading and misinforming African Americans about election preferences.

Recently, Donald Trump declared, “I’m not a racist, I have Black friends.”

If you don’t know, Trump means he has Black celebrities that will idolize him, bow down to him and suck up to him the same way Republican elected officials do.

Trump may feel he is a friend of Blacks because he lets the maid and the cook sit down at the Thanksgiving dinner table to eat leftovers after the family has finished eating, or that he gives the garbage man a drink of cold water in a paper cup, not a glass, or that he is not racist because he has a Michael Jackson record.

No, sometimes the candidates that look good from afar, are far from being good.

I try not to tell TGR readers who to vote for but Black Trumpers, if you are a friend of Donald Trump, you are no friend of mine!

About Carma Henry 25260 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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