Q & A: What Does Reverend Deal Say?

Rev.-David-Deal2Q & A: What Does Reverend Deal Say?

On a recent Q&A article that was written in the Westside Gazette on the week of November 3, 2016 through November 9, 2016, entitled ’The antichrist is alive and kicking’ we will share a response from a reader. We are very pleased when we receive feedback from you. So, we are encouraging you to continue your spiritual journey with us through questions, suggestions and concerns.

Mr. Benjamin McCay, Benjaminmccay@gmail.com, writes:

Hello Pastor Deal,

I saw your article about the spirit of the antichrist being alive and kicking. Do you believe the man and the beast are also on the Earth? I do. He may already be in the spotlight without being specifically called the man of sin, or about to rise, but I do believe he is here, there are too many prophecies being fulfilled for him not to be. With this year being year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar I believe it will be a year unlike anything we have seen before. Even with that being said I trust in Jesus to always show me the way and I have faith that He will protect us because the bible says that we are not appointed for wrath. Although the tribulations in Revelation 6 are not wrath and we will face them and are facing them, we can always count on the Lord Jesus Christ in all ways. 🙂 But Pastor, I am messaging you for fellowship and also to say that I truly do believe that we are living in the Revelation. Jesus has blessed me with dreams of the rapture and of the great and terrible day of the Lord and I believe they have come from Him as the details are unforgettable, they have been engraved into my mind. We must be prepared with our oil and be as the watchers on the wall and warn others, not to spread fear, nor to cause strife, but to honestly and whole heartedly invite others to the great wedding between Christ and His church and to teach others to be as wise men prepared with their oil. God bless you Pastor Deal.

Reverend David Deal is the senior pastor at Every Christian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Reverend Deal can be reached in care of the spiritual editor of the Westside Gazette, 545 N.W. Seventh Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33311; or email David.Deal55@gmail.com

About Carma Henry 24730 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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