By Louis C. Ward
The new year, 2022, is only four days away. Most of us are thinking about and probably listing our resolutions, goals, additions, deletions, and whatever changes we want to improve our lifestyle for the coming year. After living this life three scores and ten plus years, I am not making resolutions or listing goals for 2022.
Matter of fact, I will only try to live my life according to these two Scriptures: “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2) And “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)
To live life according to these Scriptures, one must focus on having the right perspective about all things that are important in life. There many things that are important to some and unimportant to others. It really depends on the person. What’s discussed in this piece should be important to all of us.
First, what do I mean by the right perspective in life? Perspective is a way of looking at or thinking about something; the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. A point of view, an outlook, or a viewpoint about something important or unimportant in life.
Unless you’re an atheist, your relationship with God should be very important to you. To live effectively, we must keep our eyes on Jesus. We stumble when we look away from Him to stare at ourselves and the circumstances surrounding us. The best example in the Bible of one looking away from Jesus is when Peter tried to walk on water. He was doing it, walking on water like Jesus. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus, he freaked out and Jesus saved him from drowning.
So, the right perspective about your relationship with God is to keep your eyes on Him. Believe that He is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. After all, He is the creator of heaven and earth, right? So, it seems only natural to turn to Him first for help.
The right perspective when dealing with people is to dismiss those ill feelings you have for someone, whether it be a family member, loved one, friend, or co-worker. If you depended on a person for something and he didn’t come through for you, now you know that you should only rely on Jesus. You should have learned that He won’t let you down. Forgive those you have ill feelings for and move on. In 2022, trust and rely on God!
The right perspective when dealing with problems is to believe that “God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to Him.” You have to face your problems, recognize them for what they are, and seek solutions. Do not submit to your circumstances; submit to the Lord, who controls circumstances.
Please, when dealing with important issues affecting your life, whether it be a bad health report, an issue with your child, whatever. Please pray…talk with God about it and have faith that there is nothing that you and God can’t resolve together. Faith in God is the right perspective for dealing with your problems.
Are you seeking security in your possessions and materialistic pursuits? Material things wear out, rust out, and deteriorate. They don’t bring lasting security or happiness. While a reasonable amount of money is necessary, spiritual things remain most important. The right perspective concerning our possessions is to remember that all materialistic things can quickly bump God out of first place if you don’t actively choose to give Him first place in every area of your life. The truly “good life” is dependent on a living relationship with God.
Lastly, you need a right perspective, a positive outlook, on the possibilities for your life. Don’t be pessimistic. Look for the good and try to improve on the bad. Be positive and know that “with God all things are possible,” (Matthew 19:26) and “all things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9 :21).
Having a right perspective, putting God first in your life, brings help for you in all areas of your life. With the right perspective about God, the right perspective about people, the right perspective about problems, the right perspective about materialistic things and the right perspective about the possibilities for your life will afford nothing but a positive outlook and outreach, and a “good life.”
With the right perspective, the best is yet to come in 2022.
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