America’s Chicken Come Home to Roost

John Johnson

By John Johnson II

America’s democracy is once again under siege and as divided as during the Civil War. Having been able to continually discriminate against Black people and to deny them their inalienable rights, Republicans and white supremacists were content with America’s democracy. Now the threat of losing their political power has turned them against Democracy. As the idiom says, evil past deeds will cause Chickens to Come Home to Roost.” In other words, this Nation just may reap what it sowed.

Yes, it is abundantly clear that America’s democracy is moving towards a much fairer and just Nation. But because of this pendulum shift, America’s white supremacists and Republican anarchists are conspiring to suppress the rights of Black voters and to control states’ voter Election Officials.

Their continual planting of seeds of distrust amongst voters is a strategy to sway election in their favor should they lose. The use of conservative judicial courts to uphold their punitive legislation literally is just another arrow in their quiver of dirty tactics.

Given the myriad  problems facing America, it should be troubling to Congress as well as democratic voters that the 45th former president can with impunity incite an insurrection. Without any morality, he uses alternative facts to instill motivation for anarchy and intimidation to co-opt the integrity of the majority of the Republican Party.

When Representative Adam Schiff stated in his recent book, entitled, “Midnight In Washington,” how we almost lost our democracy, he was right. Had the 45th former president been able co-oft General Mark Milley, Vice President Pence, completely, and other State Officials responsible for local elections, Joe Biden’s  swearing in as President may never have occurred.

Thankfully, Joe Biden is president. But obviously his benevolence for bipartisanship has rendered him a bit too prudent and faith driven to be forceful and direct toward Republican obstructionists. He doesn’t need to call them derogatory names. Just call them out by name and talk about their anti-democratic deeds and rhetoric. Also, send the Vice president and Cabinet members to the states of Republicans’ who oppose his infrastructure bill or childcare tax credits. While there, show videos of crumbling bridges, schools, and other significant structures to their constituents. It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Borrow a script from nonprofits. They don’t solicit donations without vividly showing an image of children fighting a life’s battle against cancer or homeless people force to live under bridges. Admit how this government spent two trillion dollars over 20 years killing thousands of Taliban fighters to wage a senseless and unwinnable war. People need to see and feel America’s needs. Convince them that the 45th former president not only failed to make America great again, but also nearly toppled it!

Yet, Republican, and two Democrats want voters to believe a 3.5 trillion bill to rebuild America is too expensive and will raises the deficit. Where’s the logic in this argument? How can raising the debt to kill other people in a foreign country be more honorable than using an identifiable funding source to rebuild America’s human and physical infrastructure?

Please, somebody say that it isn’t true, that Republicans and their base of white supremacists would rather destroy America’s democracy than be part of President Joe Biden’s plan to Build Back a Better America for all its people.

The words of America’s 16th President Abraham Lincoln given at the end of his famous Gettysburg Address attest to our great Nation’s resolve. President Lincoln ended his address with these undeniable enthusiastic words, “GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE SHALL NOT PERISH FROM THE EARTH.”

     Democracy without men of integrity is doomed; And men unbeholden to Democracy will destroy it… John Johnson II

– John Johnson II


About Carma Henry 26851 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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