By Roger Caldwell
When you read this article the primary election will be completed, and the mid-term election shall have begun. The winners will take their victory laps, and the big money should start rolling in from the powerful financial consortiums. At this time a new management team takes over the leadership role of a campaign, because they control the money strings.
Politics is not a clean game, and your skin must be tough. In 2022 across the state there are more candidates of color running in this election than ever before. There is no shortage of candidates running, and every candidate has an opportunity to win.
In District 10, where Representative Val Demings is giving up her seat to run for Florida Senate, 10 Democrats and 5 Republicans are running. With so many candidates running for the same seat, the voters get confused.
At the Orange County Meet the Candidates Rally, there were 20 candidates, but less than half of the church was filled. This was collaboration between the Great Life Group, Orange County Democratic Black Caucus, Council of Christian Clergy, Black Men Build, Von Johnson, and Mt Sinai MB Church.
“This community does vote. I am a church boy, and I believe we must emphasize voting. The purpose of this rally was to bring together two elements, one being the candidates and the other the voters. By encouraging the community to vote, the rally was an open opportunity to meet the candidates,” says Dr. Lawrence Davis, organizer and host of the event.
Without a doubt, the information at the rally was educational, and each candidate had a powerful story to tell. Candidate Adam Hattersley running for Chief Financial Officer of Florida talked about major challenges impacting residents of the state.
“The Chief Financial Officer of Florida does a whole lot of things, with a spot on the Florida Cabinet. One of the major things, he is the head of the Office of Insurance Regulations, and we have seen rents and insurances spiral out of control. The CFO is the most winnable cabinet position in Florida, and it is time for a change,” says Adam Hattersley.
“I am excited with 10 Democrats running in District 10, because it gives the whole community many choices. I just hope, when they make their choice, they choose me, “says candidate/ senior pastor of Saint Mark, Rev Terence Gray.
“Tallahassee has been up for sale with predatory companies coming here and buying the homes and driving the price of housing, food, and insurance up. I will use all the legal recourses to go after these companies and lower the cost of living in the state,” says JR –Candidate Jacques Rene Gaillot, Jr. –Commissioner Agriculture.
“My age does not disqualify me in running for district 10 for federal Representative of the House. I am 25, and I have a bold and transformational plan, because many have given up on Florida. Florida is an under organized state, and as an organizer I will do the right thing for working families. My success is to my work ethic, and I have an amazing team,” says Candidate Maxwell Frost.
“People should vote for me, because I am a proven leader for 20 years, “says candidate Allie Braswell.
It is obvious that all of the candidates are passionate about their campaign, and they believe they are going to win. The primary election eliminates the candidates whose policies and message does not align with the majority of their residents.
The primary is very important, because the wrong leader can destroy the foundation of the community, and not protect their rights. Will the Black community get out the vote in the primary election, or will apathy set in, and the Black community does not vote?
We must study the results of the primary election to win in the mid-term elections.
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