Kids Talk About God
How can I Glorify God?
By Carey Kinsolving
“I can give all my clothes to charity. Well, at least the ones that don”t fit me,” says Kelsey, 10.
Yes, please do keep some clothes for yourself, Kelsey, although that would be a great excuse for staying home from school.
“I should stop fighting with my sister, because fewer people would get hurt,” says Kalle, 10.
I”m assuming one of those fewer people getting hurt would be your sister. Kalle, you might also find more peace in your life.
“I should stop aggravating my sister, because she gives everyone a headache when she screams,” says Trent, 11.
“It would bring glory to God if for once I could find my homework,” says Whitney, 11. Every kid knows that it helps to have a big, hungry dog at home when you can”t find your homework. The only problem is that every teacher knows that dogs don”t eat paper.
One of the little-noticed details of Jesus” resurrection is the folded handkerchief that he left behind in the empty tomb. For those of us who are not so organized, it”s hard to imagine that folding the handkerchief that had been around Jesus” head may have been one of the first acts he perfor-med after rising from the dead. (John 20:7)
One of the attributes that characterizes a Christ-centered life is simplicity, and that means organization. It”s the God-inspired ability to cut through the confusion of this world and to focus on that which is truly important. More than cutting through confusion, you will probably have to push it away.
In this age of high-tech communication, confusion comes at us in waves that can engulf and drown. Only the spiritually aggressive will survive. I don”t mean aggression toward others, but toward our tendencies to drift with the flow of this world. Instead of being salt and light to the people in our world, we lose our savor by going along with the latest trends. Glorifying God often means going against the trend, and that”s not easy.
The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion. (1 Corinthians 14:33) Guess who is. No one can glorify God in a confused state of mind or life.
When writing to the church at Corinth, the apostle Paul said, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” (1 Corinthians 14:40)
Pushing away the confusion often starts at home, says Ashton, 10. “I can clean up my bathroom with a smile on my face. I can clean my room without making rude noises. I can clean the kitchen without fussing. This is how I can glorify God.”
It”s so easy to have grand visions of glorifying God and forget that Jesus or perhaps an angel took time to fold a handkerchief in the empty tomb. Be faithful in the small things of life, and God will entrust you with larger things.
Try cleaning your room as unto the Lord and see what a difference it makes. For some help, I suggest reading “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence. He was a cook and cobbler.
Think about this: ”I walk before God simply, in faith, with humility and with love; and I apply myself diligently to do nothing and think nothing which may displease Him,” wrote Brother Lawrence.
Memorize this truth: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” (Colossians 3:23)
Ask this question: Why would God give you more if you”re unfaithful with what you have now?