Christmas reflects the spirit of sharing and giving

Derek Joy
Derek Joy

Christmas reflects the spirit of sharing and giving

By Derek Joy

      Aside from the commercial aspect of Christmas, consider the value of family. Yes, it is written that “charity begins at home” and a wealth of charity beyond the material concept can be seen in the virtues of value in family. So, while leading up to Christmas, I was kicking the game around with the eldest – Ruby – of my four sisters. We considered some of the problems in life today, activities in the church, and, of course, family.

    “I’m so glad we had Daddy to teach us moral values, right from wrong,” she said. “If we chose to ignore what he taught us, that was on us, not him, or Mama. Some people act like they didn’t have parents to teach them good moral values.”

    Quite poignant in looking at all the wrongs people perpetrate on mankind, and some perpetrate even worse crimes against the Almighty Creator. In God’s eyes some deeds can be viewed as no less than dastardly, but for one fleeting moment in time, consider some of the good things that were done. Obviously, these are people who had the blessing of sound parental guidance in life.

    Yes, there was Miami Dade County Commissioner Barbara Jordan providing Christmas gifts to a number of families in her District 1. Made them happy and feel blessed.

    That was pretty much the same feeling when the Village of El Portal Mayor Daisy Black and Police Chief Eugene Morales collaborated on their annual toy drive. More than 100 children were presented with several toys, a nice meal and the benefit of knowing people care about them. They solicited the support of Waste Management, Inc., Target and a number of corporate donors to make this happen in the spirit of Christmas.

    It all reflects the spirit of Christmas in a giving and sharing nature in a way that transcend the biological family. However in Washington, D.C., President Barack Obama is trying to stir America to impress upon our members of our Bi-Cameral Congress to act on a ban on assault weapons and strict, more enforceable gun control laws.

    The latest of six mass murders took the lives of 20 – 12 boys and eight girls – first graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Ct., and seven adults, including the mother of a mentally depraved, 20-year-old Adam Lanza.

    Surely, it is easy to see why that same mandate should be delivered to Florida State legislators as they hold public hearings in various areas of Florida. “Because of the public outcry we need to have these hearings,” said Florida State Rep. Sharon Pritchett (Dem., Dist. 102), who between those hearings, scurried about before finally securing office space at 8910 Miramar Parkway, Suite 201.

    “You have to give constituents the opportunity to voice their concerns, outline their issues and criticisms. All of the legislators in both Houses are holding these hearings. I’m holding hearings in Miami Dade and Broward counties. Others have their Districts spread over as many as seven counties,” Pritchett said.

    A chore indeed at every level of government and the end result of legislative action is so often encumbered by a selfish lack of moral values. Hence, it is a time to reflect on family values that should embrace the legislators charged with fiduciary obligations to the public. Let not their attention be focused solely on personal and political profit.

    And through it all, do have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.


About Carma Henry 26851 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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