By Dr. P.L. Wright, Sr. Ph.D.
The world is now going into the year 2019 and we are still not working to slow down climate change that has been creating destruction all over the world. Citizens have their part to do as well to help to interrupt this dangerous climate change. We do not need to point fingers at who is responsible for this change.
If we start today with a list of things citizens should do, and the passing of laws in congress to begin the process of creating scientific ways to get busy working toward doing something about climate change, then we will be on our way. Nothing is easy, but this is something we must do immediately. Our earth is where God placed us, and it is our duty as the earths’ Gate Keepers, as the Indigenous Indian Tribes have nown since their existence.
This climate change is, and will continue to reap destruction on our planet and our society and how we live and function. It can be seen already starting to effect our food source with our farming, the cost of goods that we buy and sell. It has also started to effect our total economic system. Our cities are being flooded, homes and entire communities destroyed, and even death to many citizens in the process of events. Let us remember that there is no Greed that can measure up to natural disasters. Let us get busy right now and work on saving the earth and ourselves.
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