“Democracy’s pendulum swings either to the left or right based on a Presidential candidate’s ability to address the social, physical, economic, health, and security needs’ of voters, regardless of their race, gender, political affiliation, and zip code! John Johnson II.. 12/19/24
By John Johnson II
The idiom that the “pendulum swings” has been around for centuries. Galileo was the first to observe and record the motion of a swinging pendulum suspended on a string. The Pendulum ‘swings’ primarily describes the back-and-forth motion of the pendulum as it moves from its state of equilibrium. Consequently, the words ‘pendulum swings’ commonly refer to shifting ideas, trends, or political positions, thus giving rise to this topic, ‘Democracy’s Pendulum Swings.’
For clarity, the idiom, ‘Democracy’s Pendulum Swings, Democracy represents the equilibrium’s point suspended on an imaginary string. It hangs between progressivism on the far right and conservatism on the far left. Voters, by way of their vote, can push Democracy to the right or left.
In the recent 2024 Presidential election, Donald J. Trump was elected as the 47th President. Voters also chose to cast their ballots for Republicans; thus, giving them control of the House and Senate. With the Executive Branch controlled by Trump, the House and Senate won’t hesitate to shift their conservative agenda to the left.
Polls highlighted voters’ concerns about inflation and the price of food and gas. However, this wasn’t the main reason for the Democrats’ loss. President-elect Trump’s having won the popular vote indicated voters weren’t in favor of electing America’s first Black female President. Former President Bill Clinton’s recent book “Challenges” surmises that V.P./Presidential candidate Harris lost because voters didn’t know her. They know she’s a Black woman.
Political pundits have criticized Democrats for not demonstrating more consideration toward voters’ resentment towards illegal immigration. Democrats casting blame at Republicans for following Trump’s directive to kill the immigration bill didn’t’ sit well with voters.
Given voters have leveraged their ballots to force Democracy towards a more conservative agenda, it’s important to consider the potential challenges and changes they’re expecting and prepared to accept. How will voters react if mass deportations of immigrants cause the costs of fruits and vegetables to skyrocket and construction projects to halt because of labor shortages? Being aware and prepared is key in this situation.
Remember, there’s an essential fact about the ‘pendulum swings.’ Just as voters have forced it to the conservative left, it can again be forced to swing toward the progressive right’s agenda. This potential for change in the future should fuel voters’ optimism and determination to fight for a more inclusive and progressive Democracy.
Democracy’s pendulum swings towards the right can only be accomplished by a growing resurgent of highly qualified democrat candidates who are in sync with voters’ concerns. And they must be capable of motivating massive voter turnout.