Hillary takes the high road, Trump wallows in the mud
By Roger Caldwell
“I can handle the low road if I have to do it. I mean, we’ve had some low roads over the last few months. I’m fine with it if we have to go in that direction” says Trump to political commentator, Bill O’Reilly.
In the last 10 days, the presidential campaign has turned into alleged sexual accusations from women accusers, hacked emails, an audio tape of Trump using misogynistic language about women, threats of charging each other with corruption, calling each other names such as the devil, and threats of putting one of the candidates in jail. The contest has entered a new level of ugliness, and people are asking “Is this really America?”
After the Republican primary ended, many expected Trump to change his strategy and operate with dignity and respect in a spirited campaign based on issues. When the presidential campaign started, Trump stopped calling his opponent “Crooked Hillary,” and started to give policy speeches based on his platform. This lasted for about three weeks, and the presidential polls began closing.
But, after the first debate, Trump appeared embarrassed with the worst debate performance in modern times, and he took off his respectful manner and became vicious and lewd.
Trump began to demonize Hillary, and attacked Bill Clinton as a sexual predator.
Forty-eight hours before the second debate, there was a leaked tape and video from behind the scenes of “Access Hollywood” where Trump used vulgar language to describe how he abused women. This became a political firestorm and many Republican Party members and leaders withdrew their support of Donald Trump. As the chorus sang louder, and Paul Ryan announced that he would no longer defend or campaign for Trump, it left the Republican Party divided and disorganized.
One hour before the second debate, Trump decided to hold a press conference with three women; Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones. The women accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. There was a fourth woman, Kathy Shelton, who accused Mrs. Clinton of not protecting justice for a crime of rape against her. The goal of these shenanigans was to diminish Hillary, and let America know Trump was ready to fight and defend himself.
Also during the second debate, Trump went nuclear on Hillary, and called her “the devil with tremendous hate in her heart, and he would throw her in jail.” Trump refused to answer most of the questions he was asked and instead, pivoted to what he felt like saying. He didn’t say anything of substance, acted like a big bully, and tried to see how low he could go.
On the other hand, Hillary made the decision not to wallow in the mud with Trump. She presented herself as presidential, mostly spoke the truth, and directly spoke to the individuals from the audience who asked her questions. She appeared more controlled, respectful and knowledgeable.
Hillary used Michelle Obama’s strategy with Trump whenever someone was rude to the Obama family. The First Lady Michelle Obama explains, “When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is when they go low, we go high.”
With only 21 days until the election, Trump has decided to show how low he can go. Trump has decided to blame and attack everyone and everything except himself. According to Trump, the system is rigged, the media is corrupt, Hilary Clinton is the guardian of the status quo, and all Americans are getting ripped off by trade deals, the economy, jobs, and border security.
President Obama has not done anything right in seven years, and at any minute the country is ready to implode, if you believe Trump.
Hilary will continue to take the high road and discuss policies which will lead the country into the future. She is the most prepared and qualified nominee to ever run for the office of the President of the Unite States.
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