History reveals the obvious politics of political skullduggery
By Derek Joy
Here I am. An ol’ goat chewing on his cuds. Reason being the 50th Anniversary of a monumental occurrence in Washington, D.C.
Yeah. It was, as so many have duly noted in America’s media, Aug. 28, 1963. More than 100,000 people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in the nation‘s Capitol. Millions more watched on television. Countless others listened to radio broadcasts.
Supporters, opponents, critics and the devil’s evildoers heard the memorable and historic oratory of the Rev. Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr.
King delivered his “I Have A Dream” speech. The Southern Baptist Preacher painted pictures with his oratorical sermon. America’s conscience was awakened by a challenge to address socio-economic injustices suffered by people of color.
That landmark event was staged as I began my junior year at Northwestern High School. Thinking among my peers pretty much echoed the prevailing thought expressed by our elders.
People of color were fascinated. There was talk of, even a belief in, a spiritual inspiration that would eliminate socio-economic injustices and bring about equality for Black Americans.
King’s speech came just over nine years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Landmark Case of Brown v. Board (Kansas) of Education, striking down the practice of “separate but equal” public schools.
He pointed out the legal and moral violations that, in effect, cripple America as whole. There was a focus on how the collective America benefits from socio-economic equality for people of color.
Interestingly enough, King’s Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement gained momentum.
Black American’s realized progress through legislated acts of Congress until King was assassinated April 4, 1968, on balcony of Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tenn. Happened near the end of my third year in the U.S. Air Force.
Came as America increased its military forces in the Viet Nam War. Black Americans communities were ravaged by riots. White Americans burned and desecrated American flags during demonstrations and protests.
A considerable number fled to Canada to evade the draft. U. S. Military Forces became all volunteer. Those who fled were later granted amnesty. Repatriated. Just like nothing ever happened.
So, as the reflections continue, let’s take a hard look at a single injustice still haunting people of color. For sure, equality is still but a dream deferred.
No getting around the fact that Black American’s today, just as 50 years ago when King delivered his speech, still have an unemployed rate twice as high as Whites.
What’s worse is all the noise being made about the need for immigration reform. People around America are talking about it. Congress is talking about it.
Yet, when it comes to immigration reform, nobody seems to see the need to protect American citizens in the job market. Absolutely no safeguards to insure that Black Americans are no longer discriminated against in the job market while immigrants secure and maintain gainful employment.
Now, shouldn’t such a gross miscarriage of justice be beyond dreams and political skullduggery?