Registrations open for SKYWARN Storm Spotters class on April 2nd
BROWARD COUNTY, FL – SKYWARN Storm Spotters training class, normally conducted at the Broward Emergency Operations Center, will be held virtually again this year. The class is intended for those with an interest in public safety and communications, and who want to help during extreme weather events.
SKYWARN is developed and taught by National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologists and consists of trained weather spotters who report observations of significant weather and damage resulting from severe weather. NWS then sends alerts to the public via television, radio, marine and weather radios, public safety agencies and other information sources that severe weather is approaching or has been sighted. Trained local storm spotters can assist NWS in verifying tornados, hail, wind damage and heavy rainfall as they are occurring in our community. The training helps to improve forecasting and warning processes and the tools used to collect weather data.
For those interested, the virtual class will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It will be conducted on the GoToMeeting platform. Once your registration is accepted, instructors will email you the meeting link and other necessary information.
To register, email your full name, full address, email address and cell phone number to Robert Molleda and Carol Sjursen. A week before the class date, those who have registered will be provided the meeting link.
Robert Molleda is with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / NWS – Miami-Dade Office. Carol Sjursen is with Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service.
MEDIA CONTACT: Robert Molleda, NOAA | NWS (305) 229-4522 x233
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