Preachers in Politics
By Lucius Gantt
It’s early November and if you haven’t absentee voted or early voted, you need to take a deep breath and open your eyes before you walk into the voting booth on Election day and cast your ballots!
With open eyes and a clear mind you will see that African Americans are being played in the 2016 election like pawns are played on a chess board!
Blacks, in 2016, will no doubt be the deciding factor in who goes to the White House and who ends up in the outhouse!
So, the tricky political devils are working overtime to confuse you, mislead you, distract you and fool you.
Your so-called Black leaders are selling you down the Potomac, the Chattahoochee, the Rio Grande, the Mississippi, the St. Johns, the Apalachicola and down every other river and stream in America!
Well, why are so many Black politicians and Black religious leaders on different political pages?
Could it be that Black voters might be played like a violin if a violinist told him how to best utilize their right to vote or not vote?
Yes, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is knee deep in today’s political mud baths.
No problem with that but his involvement seems strange to me since the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made it a point to stay out of devilish politics.
Minister Elijah was quoted as hating it when Malcolm X made the “chickens coming home to roost” when a Presidential politician was assassinated.
Anyway, there are more religious leaders involved in the 2016 Elections than in any other election in recent times. Their involvement is more than letting a political devil stand up and speak at Black churches. It is more than carrying a bus load of congregation members to early voting sites.
It is more than allowing political devils to cover your cars in church parking lots with unrequested and unwanted political literature.
Nowadays, Pastors, Priests, Bishops, Imams and others are going on TV, on Radio and on the worldwide web giving endorsements, participating in commercials and praising or criticizing the candidates that they love or hate!
Hmmm? Religious leaders don’t always come out strong for the members of their own flocks that seek election to a political office.
I know Black politicians get paid to try to influence Black votes. Could African American religious leaders be getting paid too?
Let’s see. You can get paid with money, you can get paid with publicity, you can get paid with political promises of jobs or contracts and you can get paid in hundreds of other ways.
Why can’t Black politicians and Black religious leaders, for once, speak up, recommend and support members in their congregations that own Black media, Black ad firms, Black print and sign shops and other Black political vendors?
This year you have heard more than once that there are no credible candidates to vote for. I imagine that is because most candidates that represent us, our cities and our neighborhoods are clearly controlled by contributors or political parties.
Don’t believe the BS or the hype!
Vote for any candidate you choose but there are also important amendments on the ballot about energy, marijuana, health care and more.
There are also people like judges that merely rubber stamp lower court decisions that you can vote against. There are State Attorneys you can vote against that deny, delay and prevent justice for African Americans hurt, harmed and killed by authorities that swore to protect us.
Do what’s best and do what’s right on Election Day and don’t act like you don’t know what fake, false Black community “leaders” are doing to you.
And don’t forget the devil’s endorsers are just as tricky as the devil himself!
(Buy Gantt’s latest book, “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” and from bookstores everywhere. Contact Lucius at And, if you want to, “Like” The Gantt Report page on Facebook.)
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