By John Johnson II
America was founded on megalomania, an obsession with power of domination over others. This social structure originated in England before finding roots in this Country. To this very day England’s Kings and Queens reign as a symbol of a monarchy. These royal subjects continuously serve as a lineage of white supremacy. But in America, the new experiment took a different approach.
The Founding Fathers established within the U.S. Constitution a creed of evilness that yet lives. This creed codified a belief that the entire white race would reign as supreme over all nonwhite people throughout the new land, land stolen from indigenous people.
The concept of a Monarchy no longer would be a part of the new experiment. In its place, Democracy was created, a new governing process. It protected and empowered white people filled with megalomania.
America’s history has been reluctant to tell the truth about how white people, driven by megalomania, lynched, tortured and enslaved Black people. Though horrific, their actions were sanctioned. George Floyd’s murder was reminiscent of horrors from the past.
Republican Senator Green has mastered the art of igniting the sweltering flames of racism and megalomania within her base using dog whistles. Greene once compared Speaker Pelosi’s mask restrictions to the holocaust.
Once flames of racism are ignited, the words of former president L.B. Johnson ring true as never before. Johnson said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Amazingly, white supremacists don’t even realize that there’re more white people living in poverty than Black people, more receiving food
Stamps, and all other social programs.
Never in the history of humankind has there ever been a social program created for Black people. Social programs rescue white people from corporate exploitation, starvation and
homelessness. Wealthy people leveraging social programs can avoid paying higher wages.
Instead of passing legislation for higher wages for workers, the government cleverly uses social programs to prevent anarchy. The government knew then and even now that social programs compensate for low wages.
If white folks would study history, they would’ve learned about the cynical racists tactics Republicans and their wealthy donors use to bamboozle them. Trump masterfully during rallies fed his base falsehoods laced with racism to worked them into a frenzy.
It wasn’t a simple task getting a mob of insurrectionists to attack the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, with bare knuckles, flag poles, and bear spray. For six hours, a mob fixated with megalomania nearly overthrew the government.
Why Americans don’t find it strange that as Democracy is under siege by domestic terrorists, and Republicans are refusing to engage in making government work for the people, multi-billionaires haven’t expressed any real concern. They’ve surely been engaged in both noble and challenging causes around the world; fighting hunger, providing clean water, and saving endangered animals. Or are their space travel a precursor to an eventual goodbye?
This Nation is reacting as though it doesn’t realize that Republicans’ megalomania is to America’s Democracy as the icebergs were to the Titanic. Remember, Captain E. Smith, receive six warnings, but he ignored them. The ship once labeled, “Unsinkable,” remains at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
America has already received two warnings; Trump’s election and the Jan. 6, 2021, Insurrection. “Dates of Infamy!”