
America’s Battle For 2024: Democracy v. Fascism

   The 2024 presidential election is destined to be the most challenging election since the Goa v. G. W. Bush election of 2000. However, this challenge isn’t about hanging chads or endless recount. Rather, it’s more about America’s voters having to vote for a democratic pro- democracy candidate or a Republican fascist candidate. In other words, America’s facing a democratic renaissance or a perilous fate because of rising fascism. […]


Lack of sincere leadership creates lack of engagement and continued corruption 

When inquiring about the poor attendance, I learned that Pompano and Deerfield Beach community members optioned not to attend because they believe Cartwright did not do what she was charged to do. Cartwright was specifically charged to meet with the Pompano and Deerfield Beach communities, yet she scheduled a meeting of the entire District 7. Furthermore, the community was offended that once again, the Superintendent refused to hold the meeting in the community, but rather scheduled it at a district facility.  To hold a meeting at Pompano High School, a school with an abundance of privilege and district support and resources, was a slap in the face to Blanche Ely, a high school where they struggle to get something as simple as a fence.  […]


America’s Democracy  Is Guilty

   Since its inception, America’s Democracy has been guilty of genocide, slavery, voter suppression, segregation, discrimination, lynching, and unfair justice. America’s  guilt continues to this very day. Democracy  created by our Founding Fathers as a process of governing has continued to ensure that white people would fully enjoy all rights inscribed within the U.S. Constitution. […]


To Commemorate Brown, Support Our Teachers

Sixty-five years ago, the Supreme Court ruled, in the Brown v. Board of Education case, that the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) doctrine of “separate but equal” was unconstitutional. That ruling ended legal segregation in public facilities, but it did not necessarily accomplish its goals in terms of school desegregation. Indeed, Richard Rothstein, the historian who is a Distinguished Fellow at the Economic Policy Institute and at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, wrote that in 2014, Black students […]