Local News

Hillsborough County Educator Named a 2025 Teacher of the Year Finalist

Recently  the Florida Department of Education announced Dr. Clayton Nylund, a teacher at Howard W. Blake High School in Hillsborough County, as one of the five 2025 Teacher of the Year state finalists. The five state finalists were chosen from 74 district teachers of the year. The 2025 Florida Department of Education Teacher of the Year winner will be announced at a gala in Orlando on July 25, 2024. […]

National News

Sisters of the Skies and Delta Air Lines Host Fundraiser for Future Black Female Pilots

     The purpose of the gala is to seek to improve the current number of Black female pilots which stands north of 150 in the United States for those holding Airline Transport Pilot, Commercial, Military and or Certified Flight instructor licenses. The first gala was held in February 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia honoring the first All-African American Female flight crew. This year the SOS brings fundraiser back to where it began again recognizing Black women who are first in their aviation careers. […]