Bible Trivia
- What tribe does Moses come from?
- How did Moses meet his wife?
- When God asked Moses to go back to Egypt with a message, name one of 5 excuses Moses gave to God?
- How did the Israelites escape from the final deadly plaque?
- Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promise Land?
- What does the name Moses or Moseh’ mean?
- What items were kept in the ark of the covenant?
- Joshua and another were the only two men to live through the wilderness wanderings. Who was the other man?
***Biblical Note*** Ancient Israel drafted soldiers, but exemptions were allowed for those who had just built a house, planted a vineyard, or gotten engage. Another exemption: “Is anyone fearful and fainthearted (scared) can go home. The reason being is that your attitude will scare the next soldier. (Deuteronomy 20:5-8)
Answers – 1) Tribe of Levi; 2) Exodus 2:15-21; 3) Exodus 3:11-13, Exodus 4:1, 10, 13; 4) They put blood on their doorposts so the Angel Of Death would ‘pass over’ them (Exodus 12:7); 5) Numbers 20:10-12; 6) ‘One who draws forth’; 7) Hebrews 9:4; 8) Numbers 14:30
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