The Democratic Black Caucus Convention:

Stanley Campbell being endorsed by I.U.P.A. Union

 A Call to Action Inspired by “We the People”

 By Guenet Gittens-Roberts

At the recent Democratic Black Caucus Convention, two powerful speakers, Stanley Campbell and Justin Pearson, used their platforms to remind attendees of the enduring significance of the Preamble to the United States Constitution. Both men, though different in their approaches, underscored the foundational principle of “We the People” as a rallying cry for civic engagement and voter participation.

     Stanley Campbell: A Senate Candidate’s Urgent Reminder

Stanley Campbell, a Senate candidate, utilized his three minutes to evoke the timeless words of the Preamble. His concise but impactful message focused on the core idea that the people hold the ultimate power in a democracy. “We the People,” Campbell reminded the audience, signifies that the government derives its authority from the consent of the governed. This foundational principle is a powerful reminder that citizens are not passive subjects but active participants in shaping their government and, by extension, their destiny.

Campbell’s message has always been clear and straightforward: “Vote your interests, but get out and vote.” That night, by invoking the Preamble, Campbell highlighted the responsibility and power of each individual vote. He emphasized that “Democracy will not die on our watch,” the theme of the weekend. It was a clear reminder that voting is not just a right but a crucial tool for ensuring that the government remains a true reflection of the people’s will. His call to action underscored that in a democracy, change begins with the ballot box.

Justin Pearson: A Keynote Speaker’s Inspirational Call

Later in the program, keynote speaker Justin Pearson took the stage and wove the Preamble into an inspirational call to action. Pearson used “We the People” to highlight the collective power and potential of the audience. He framed “We the People” as a declaration that the individuals in the room were the agents of change they had been waiting for.

Pearson’s speech resonated deeply with the audience, emphasizing that the power to shape the future lies within their hands. He inspired attendees to recognize their agency and potential to drive meaningful change. “We, the people we have been waiting for,” Pearson declared, transforming the Preamble from a historical document into a living, breathing manifesto for contemporary activism and empowerment.


About Carma Henry 25231 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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