Today we mark the beginning of a new era with the celebration of our 50th Class Reunion — Recently the Blanche Ely High School Class of 1966, celebrated their 50th Class Reunion. It was within the walls of Blanche Ely High School that our characters were shaped as we entered into Manhood. It was in those walls we gained knowledge, strength and marketable skills that prepared us for life’s ups and downs. We are reunited again and it feels so good; 50 blessed years later and counting. Top Row: Ida Heck-McKinney, Rosetta Fulmore-Bracy, Sylvia Shepherd-Lowe, Barbara Jackson-Robertson, Fredrekia Manuel-Forde, Cynthia Johnson-Roberson, Carolyn Hudson-Benefield, Sheryl McDonald-McCoy, Andre Armbrister-Mills, Beverly Simmons, Julia Howard-Knowles, JoAnn Gibbons-Smith, Marianne Johnson-Davis, Susie McCrone-Johnson, Melvin Brooks, Beverly Williams-Taylor, Joe & Gwen Farrow and Barbara Clark-Johnson. Bottom Row: Iry Herbert, Henry Robinson, Jimmy Harvard, Lenton Jenkins, James Benefield and Sylvester Davis and Thomas Cooper.