Trump Cannibalizes Democracy

John Johnson II

“Democracy’s fate lies with the people’s willingness to defend  their republic, the rule of law, and the interests of all its people!”  John Johnson II… 10/16/24

By John Johnson II

  The cannibalization of a nation’s form of government isn’t new. Approximately ninety-one years ago, Hitler cannibalized Germany’s Weimar Republic, which was a parliamentary Democracy, and turned it into a dictatorship. Now former President Trump, using similar tactics borrowed from Hitler, is attempting to cannibalize America’s Democracy by turning it into an Autocracy as though it’s an outdated relic.

Far too many of Trump’s enablers are watching and hoping for a return to the era of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and women treated as livestock and poultry. White supremacists used to gather right after church to watch as their Democracy allowed for the lynching and burning alive of Black people. Just months ago, Trump, too, watched admiringly as his followers shouted hang VP Pence.

Look at it this way: Trump is using Hitler’s blueprint and his Project 2025 to widen the racial divide between Democratic progressives and Republican white supremacist conservatives. Just as Hitler singled out Jews as poisoning the blood of Germans, Trump targeted immigrants as criminal creatures wreaking havoc in America. As he builds and ignites the hatred towards immigrants, he’s able to maintain his base of voters.

However, there’s a vital component that gets misinterpreted. Republican Congresspersons don’t fear Trump.  Trump’s them, and they’re an embodiment of him. Republican Congressperson and SCOTUS’ six coconspirators don’t give a rat’s buttocks about Democracy anymore. They’re as filled with hatred and bigotry as were Hitler’s admirers. And assuredly, Democracy to them no longer protects their superiority and white privileges.

It’s indisputable that every person living in America is an immigrant or descendant, except Indigenous people. Nevertheless, Trump and VP JD Vance, who are both married to immigrants along with a segment of white Americans, harbored deep-seated racism towards Black people and immigrants.

Trump has exploited and expanded the hatred and bigotry of his base to include social, religious as well as political issues. Abortion and immigration are their rallying cry. The seeds of discrimination and prejudice can only be sowed and propagated in an America tolerant of racism.

There’s no longer a sixty-four-thousand-dollar question as to why Trump, an indicted criminal who attempted to overthrow the government, is again contending for the 2024 Presidency. Even though VP Harris is more qualified and better prepared to lead our nation, still, as a Black woman, she somehow threatens white men’s masculinity and white women’s roles as mothers. The glass ceiling white men hold over women’s heads shouldn’t be coveted but repudiated.

Trump is old, exhibits signs of senility, and lacks commonsense/prudence. Yet tens of millions of Republican voters are again willing to support his attempts to cannibalize Democracy. For them, Democracy is moving dangerously towards a more inclusive society. They’re terrified by their own “White Replacement Conspiracy Theory.”

Shamefully, they didn’t fear or regret subjecting the Indigenous to genocide and enslaving Black people for 246 years. VP/Presidential Harris  says loudly and defiantly, “It’s time to turn the page” to a new generation and a new President who builds people up.”

Returning Trump to the Presidency would constitute a more egregious act than that of Collin Gray, who purchased an AR-style weapon for his son, which he allegedly used to murder two students and two teachers at Georgia’s Apalachee High School. The father has been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and eight counts of cruelty to children.

Why would Republican and undecided voters be willing to trust Trump again with our nuclear codes? Sadly, racism remains a deadly human pathological learned trait.


About Carma Henry 26147 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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