National News

Supreme Court Petition: Judge Who Faced Complaints of Racial Bias, Abuse, Sat on Disciplinary Review Panel That Cleared Him

     As reported exclusively in Your Black World in February, Judge Christopher Cooper – who was appointed by President Obama in 2014 – had stood accused of abusing litigants and of ethnic bias against Arinderjit Dhali, a respected Sikh civil rights attorney in Washington, D.C., who also is of Indian Heritage and was representing legal scholar and civil rights attorney Amos Jones in Jones’s racial discrimination and contract-violations lawsuit against Campbell University and The Catholic University of America. The earlier complaint was filed by the late Jeanette Pollard. The pair of complaints against Cooper offer a rare look into the world of judicial discipline, especially involving alleged ethnic and gender bias. […]

National News

U.S. gun statistics are absolutely staggering

     There are more guns than people in the United States.  A 2018 survey conducted by Small Arms Survey found that there were there were 120.5 firearms per each 100 U.S. residents.  Worldwide, homicides in the U.S. account for 79 percent of all homicides globally.  Additionally, suicides by gunfire outpaces homicides in the U.S.  24,292 deaths in 2020 were suicides, while 19,384 were homicides according to a report by the BBC. […]


Republican Senators Collect Blood Money

     Yes, it’s a known fact, Republican Senators collect blood money disguised as campaign do-nations from the NRA. This money, literally  soaked in the blood of  our children, neighbors, and teachers, resulted from  lone mass murders. These murderers, because of the absence of common-sense gun regulations,(C-SGR), usually purchase and use  multiple  deadly weapons during their senseless murdering. […]


100th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Lincoln Memorial Recalls Description of African Americans by Robert Russa Moton: A People of ‘industry, integrity, and thrift’

    On May 30, 1922, thousands gathered on the National Mall to dedicate the Lincoln Memorial. President Warren Harding, Chief Justice William Howard Taft and Dr. Robert Russa Moton offered remarks and remembrances honoring the life and legacy of the slain emancipator. A native of Amelia County, Virginia, Dr. Moton was born shortly after the Civil War ended. He knew better than any of the other speakers the importance of America fulfilling its great promise. The most prominent African American leader of the day, Dr. Moton was the president of Tuskegee Institute. […]