National News

Two Black Teens Create Children’s Book Exposing Secret FBI Tactics Used to Neutralize Civil Rights Activists

Teenagers Autumn Kendall, 14, and Aurora Morgan, 15, are excited to announce the release of their children’s book, The Three Heroes, and their first book signing event in East Harlem, NY on June 4, 2024, at 6 p.m. The Three Heroes, developed under the 3E Program for Social Justice and Change, is a compelling tale featuring characters inspired by civil rights leaders Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Chairman Fred Hampton. The story introduces a villain resembling J. Edgar Hoover, who led the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations aimed at undermining these activists. Though the characters are fictional, the book sheds light on historical events and the impact of COINTELPRO. […]


No One Seems to Know Why Black Women Are Plagued with Fibroids. Here’s What We Can Say for Sure.

      Fibroids usually start after puberty. Most women are diagnosed with them between 18 and 50 years but some cases happen earlier than that. Older research showed that Black women were 10 percent more likely to have fibroids than white women by age 50 (80 percent versus 70 percent). But we don’t know why the numbers are different. There have been limited studies looking into the reasons for this difference. […]


Support My Plan to Win Elections Through National Parks

     Nothing will convince Black Americans that we must go out and vote in the General Elections than to visit the National Park System and see things they can’t believe exist on Earth, much less in their own country. I know this from experience because since I first saw the national parks in 1995, few Americans have been more dedicated than me to ringing the bell. When I saw what had been hidden from me, I felt so overwhelmed and so indignant that I resolved I would not stop until EVERYBODY knew. […]


New-Collar Workers: A Trend That Embraces Diversity

     What is a new-collar worker? According to Indeed, new-collar jobs are associated with industries where employees develop their technical and soft skills, often in technology industries, through nontraditional education paths. In other words, applicants are considered for open positions even though they do not have a B.A., B.S., or graduate degree. Instead, the company practices skills-based hiring, considering aptitude and insight to determine excellent job candidates. […]