
Donald Trump and the Uses of Violence

      In a wideranging interview with a Time Magazine reporter this past April, Donald Trump said he expected victory in the coming presidential election, but he wouldn’t rule out the possibility of political violence if victory didn’t materialize. As he explained, “I don’t think we’re going to have that [political violence]. I think we’re going to win. And if we don’t win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of the election.” […]


Broken Record

      In 2016, Donald Trump ran as an outsider, as someone who was able to criticize the political record of his primary opponents (although he primarily used insults and lies rather than real policy analysis). He of course attacked Hillary Clinton in the general election. […]


Voting for the Lesser Evil?

     America, America! We’re not exactly a democracy. We don’t vote for what we “believe in,” certainly not if we’re, uh, liberals or, good God, progressives. Our duty as citizens is to vote for the lesser evil. It’s kind of been that way my whole life, but more intensely so now than it has ever been – as the military budget keeps expanding, as racism regroups and becomes nationalism, as corporate power and military-industrialism morph into “just the way things are.”  […]


Sour on Spoilers

     There are currently three third party candidates for president: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jill Stein and Cornell West. All three candidates claim they are running to give voters a choice and a chance to voice their views. All three insist they are not “spoilers.” Let’s examine this. […]