Republicans Embrace Fascism and White Supremacy

John Johnson II

By John Johnson II

   Republicans, with Senator McConnell at the helm, have exhibited clear signs of support for white supremacy and Fascism. They’ve continuously supported and spread the following propaganda: 1) voter fraud must be prevented using tougher voter legislations, 2) illegal immigrants threaten National interest, and 3) corporations have no stakes or rights to meddle in politics. Anyone who accepts and spreads this kind of propaganda is deliberately seeking to expand the racial and political divide.

Unfortunately, in America, if a lie is told often by prominent Republican members of Congress and conservative news media, it somehow rises to the level of purported validity for staunch conservative Republicans. A clear example of this is the prevailing lie that the 2020 presidential election was com-promised by widespread voter fraud. This is far from the truth. And yet, Republicans have systematically and un-yieldingly passed stringent voter suppression legislation to enhance their ability to win future elections.

Republicans’ desperate attempt to cling to power has caused them to utilize tactics deployed during the eras of Jim Crow and Fascism. These evil tactics are meant to kill Black and Brown people’s motivation to remain active voters. Similar tactics are deployed to threaten immigrants.

It’s important to take note of a strange and yet dangerous threat that the current Re-publican Minority Leader, Senator, McConnell has directed towards America’s Corporate Titans. In no un-certain terms, McConnell told CEOs, “Stay out of politics.” One could easily imagine Russia’s President Vladimir Putin making such a declaration, but McConnell’s threat is dangerously exhibiting signs of Fascism. Doesn’t McConnell know, Corporations, are considered people!

McConnell undoubtedly has forgotten that since the beginning of the American republic, the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Roberts and Republican members of Congress have recognized corporations as people. Further, try imagining Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg telling McConnell and fellow Republicans to stay out of Corporate affairs.

Ronald Regan once described America as that Shining City on a hill. Sadly, this depiction has only been a mirage for Black and Brown people. Former president Trump and his Republican syndicate made it looked more like a dungeon on a hill, run by a Fascist regime.

Fascism must never be part of America’s governance. For good or bad, America is really the substance of its peoples’ values, morals, and commitments to abiding to the rule of law as inscribed in its Constitution. However, the long history of political rancor and discord, which is constantly increasing, has brought forth a startling revelation. Yes! America by choice is on an antithetical path of a more perfect union or a Union where White Supremacy reigns. These same factors led to the Civil War– America’s deadliest war!

Will treacherous Republicans, along with some Democratic imposters, be allowed to cause the world’s greatest Republic, since Rome, to collapse? This can and must be avoided at all costs.

How can it be that the 2nd Amendment is considered as the Constitution’s untouchable Holy Grail? Yet, the 15th Amendment can be trampled upon by Republican state legislators in much the same way as the Supreme Court on June 25, 2013, gutted the 1965 Voters Rights Act, Section 5. Are they now without any shame or regrets?

Any democracy which allows its very own democracy to destroy itself, can only blame itself. The January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol Building, which was ignited by former president Trump, is living proof that our democracy is only as strong as its people’s will to defend it!

Leonard Pitts, Miami Herald Journalist, in his April 11 opinion, “Why is anyone still shocked that fear propel white hostility and violence?” didn’t mince his words. He stated, “A disruptive demographic change is upon us.” Yes, it meant white America is becoming Blacker/Browner. Why should this scare white America? Do they fear being marginalized? Black and Brown people have been marginalized all their lives and lived in fear; fear of walking driving, playing in a park, jogging, and just being Black.

America can no longer afford to ignore Republicans’ efforts, along with Fox Media, to de-democratize this Nation. For their words, actions, and obstructions could very well indicate a perilous submission to Nihilism (a rejection of established social order, and religious/ moral principles).

Fascism, white supremacy, and Nihilism must never become options for America!


About Carma Henry 24752 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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