Deadly Game Of Russian Roulette

John Johnson

By John Johnson II

    Republicans chose to play Russian Roulette with raising America’s budget deficit. It’s as though they can’t wait to kill the economy. Just in case any of you’ve forgotten, the game of Russian roulette is a high stakes game for gamblers.  One could call it a game of life or death.

An individual plays the game  Russian Roulette by   placing one bullet in a six-chamber pistol, spinning the cylinder one full spin, placing the barrel to your head, and pulling the trigger. If there’s only a click you live and if there’s a bang, you’re dead. Republican House Speaker, McCarthy is aiming the pistol at our economy, which includes each of us.

The question one must ask, “Why in the hell would Republicans choose to not raise the debt ceiling knowing the catastrophic consequences? Before tackling this question, let’s  examine the end results that economists have warned would happen.

For example, millions would lose their jobs, factories would close, government employees wouldn’t get paid, personal savings would evaporate, and the value of the dollar would plummet. Yes, human suffering would subject families and their children to unimaginable miseries. Poor Black people and immigrants suffering could be even worse.

Again, why the game of Russian Roulette? Republicans are using a strategy plucked from an old idiom former President L.B. Johnson uttered over sixty years ago.  Paraphrasing, Johnson’s famous words, pointedly said, “If you make the lowest white man think that he’s better than the best Black man, you can get him to do whatever you want.”

Pity for  white supremacists blinded by hatred, such that they’re unaware Republicans are leading them into an abyss. This is their substitute for a lack of good governance.

In other words, Republicans’ white supremacists base will line up to play the games of Russian Roulette with the deficit believing that  the end results will create miseries and even deaths for countless Black people and immigrants. Also, they think the tides of endless immigrants will cease.

Russian Roulette is just one of the hundreds of plans Republicans are devising to stem America’s growing demographic change from a dominate white privilege society to a society of privileges for all its people: Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, straight, gay, transgender, and yes, those who were felons.

Democrats must devise new strategies to unravel the moronic mentality  born and bred by Republicans and their base of white supremacists. This mentality  is nurtured by hatred  and  depraved expectations of white privileges. Kevin McCarthy, newly elected Speaker of the Republican House of Representatives, having supported Trump’s attempted  overthrow of  the government, has clearly demonstrated his unfitness to lead.

For those of you who are not familiar with the term, moronic, it’s  defined by Merriam-Webster Thesaurus as- showing a lack of good sense; stupid or idiotic. An even more dispassionate description is that of a self-deluded jackass of a character.

Pause for a moment if you feel overwhelmed from having  read these words or if this information somehow awakened you to the evil and  dangerous game of Russian Roulette. Republicans are planning to use this tactic to  hold raising the debt ceiling hostage.

Just let  what they’re  planning sink into your consciousness ever so slowly, though it may be painful. Are you willing  to support their Russian Roulette strategy? If Trump and members of the Republican party convinced you that he didn’t lose the 2020, Presidential Election, shame on them. However, if they convince you that it’s a good strategy to not raise the debt ceiling, shame on you.

America’s voters must make their voices heard in opposition to Republicans’ plan to play Russian Roulette with  the debt ceiling. But, if Republican  utilize this strategy, they’re no less evil than Vladimir Putin, no less dangerous than Bryan Kohberger, the alleged murderer of the four Idaho college students, and no more fit to serve as  Congresspersons than George Santos.

The game of Russian Roulette, if played, should only be amongst Republicans. For they’re the purveyors of what’s currently  wrong with America’s politics.




About Carma Henry 24730 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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