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     Deranged Donald Trump, who is clearly severely mentally ill, said the following about himself on September 30, 2021, in an interview with Gene Bailey on The Victory Channel: “So nobody has done more for Christianity, or for Evangelicals, or for religion itself than I have”, said the mad king. […]


Broward County School Board District 1 Candidate Paul R. Wiggins is Working Diligently to Make Education a Community Affair

     When considering some of our community’s most important compositional elements, we most commonly consider three key factors: housing, our neighborhoods, and schools. But why are these the elements we most commonly consider? The answer is simple: because we want what is best for our families.  Well, that is exactly why Revered Paul R. Wiggins has decided to run for the Broward County School Board District 1 Seat– he wants what is best for our families. […]