Blacks ages 13 through 24 accounted for more than a quarter of new HIV infections in 2010 in the U.S. Of the newly-infected in that age group, 57 percent of those infected are African American males, according to CDC’s most Vital Signs Report titled, “HIV Among Youth in the US.”
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38 Republicans, the Senate failed the veteran’s groups that were in attendance to watch history unfold, it failed to honor the will of the people of the United States, it failed many groups of people all over the world, and even worse than all of that, they failed their own leadership-past and present.
World AIDS Day falls on Dec. 1st each year. And although there have been major strides made in scientific research by experts in the HIV/AIDS medical community, there still is no cure for this deadly virus
Young, gay, Black — and at risk for HIV
If Republicans and Democrats don’t reach a 12th hour deal to avoid the “fiscal cliff,” many lower-and middle-income families will feel deep pain, according to analysis by economists and respected think tanks.
DOJ’s Civil Rights Division works to eradicate discrimination against people with disabilities, including those living with HIV or AIDS, by enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
38 Republicans failed to honor the will of the people of the United States.
HIV/AIDS in Black America: The Uphill Battle
Since President Obama took office, the rate of threats has increased 400 percent. The nature of most of the threats to the President is kept quiet so as not to trigger potential copycat assassins
At an emotional and spirited filled Swearing-In Ceremony of Broward School Board Members