
Not Your Average Joes

     When it comes to two Houston-based doctors – Dr. Joseph Gathe, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Varon – referring to them as “average Joes” should be considered a huge slap in the face, because when it comes to these two gentlemen, they’re not your “average Joes” by any stretch of the imagination. […]


As COVID-19 Phase 3 Vaccine Studies Begin, We Must Improve Minority Participation in Clinical Trials

      The minority community’s relationship with the medical and scientific world has not been built upon trust. This is particularly true with African Americans. Brutal and un-ethical historical practices in medicine subjected African American bodies to dissection and autopsy material without their consent. In addition, sterilizing Native American women without their consent, and the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment, led to a justifiable fear and lack of trust by people of color regarding clinical trial participation in the U.S. […]


Coronavirus Report: June 8, 2020

Know your coronavirus “hot” zones – Despite a general slowdown in the daily rate of increase in new coronavirus cases, Florida is among 20 states in which the rate of new cases is rising. Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties are the center of this hotspot. […]


Dr. Fauci says we will have 100 million Vaccines by the end of this year

     “We’re going to start manufacturing doses of the vaccines way before we even know that the vaccine works, so that by the end of the year the prediction of the statistical analysis and the projection of cases indicate that we may know whether its effective, efficacious or not by maybe November, December, which means that by that time we hopefully would have close to a 100 million doses,” Fauci said in early June during a live video interview with the Journal of the American Medical Association. […]