Choices in politics unleash a raging political storm

Derek Joy
Derek Joy

Choices in politics unleash a raging political storm

By Derek Joy


    Tropical Storm Isaac is delivering a crystal clear message to the Republican National Committee just as it convenes the Republican Nominating Convention in Tampa.

    Yep!  Isaac spared the more than 50,000 delegates the hazards of a hurricane.  Such a warning just may escape the reality of politics.

    And so it is that Mitt Romney and Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan will officially accept the Party’s Presidential/Vice Presidential nomination. They are charged with the task of unseating President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

    Ironically, Tropical Storm Isaac and the local ongoing voter fraud investigation centered around absentee ballots seemed to have conspired to deliver a message.  One that says honesty and integrity should displace deception and fraud.

    You see, Republicans are touting Romney as one who knows how to create jobs.  Yet they fail to mention for whom those jobs were created. 

    They also fail to make light of the fact that Romney, as Governor of Massachusetts, outsourced jobs to foreign countries at a time when American unemployment steadily rose.

    Instead, they blame the Obama Administration for the increased unemployment.  Republicans also blame Obama and the Democrats for the recession.  Truth is, the recession started in Dec. 2007, while George W. Bush (Bush 43) was still in The White House.

    Republicans also fail to note that Bush exhausted a significant budget surplus left by Bill Clinton when he exited The White House in Jan. 2001.

    Well, now.  Those facts are obvious.  Painfully clear.  Still, they are not touted in any of the Republican commercials.

    So, the 50,000- or so delegates at the Republican Nominating Convention are riding hell bent for leather to oust Obama from The White House.

    Sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, these slippery characters who really appear as political charlatans, have a hidden agenda. It is simple: Let’s kick the Black American out of The White House by any means necessary.

    That includes twisting the facts the lay the blame for a struggling economy right at the doorstep of Obama and the Democratic Party. In truth, greed is driving Republicans to take more and give less, no matter how badly the American economy suffers.

    Racism at its ugliest – in the socio-economic and political arenas.  Add to that the quirk of having the first of the Mormon faith nominated for President.

    Now, you have a real raging political storm.

    Never before was a Mormon good enough to run for the office of President.  Now that a Black American is holding down the forth, anything is good enough to unseat him.  Or so they say quietly.

    Just like that, they’re chunking big rocks and hiding their hands.

    And this is what Tropical Storm Isaac gave warning about.  Corral the horses and fight off the not so subtle racists attacks at large.


About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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