Could this be the end of days?

Don-At-WorkCould this be the end of days?

By Don Valentine

It is incumbent on every reader to be resilient in not having a Trump presidency. A strong forecast for what will happen has been displayed by the recent turmoil in Turkey.

Trump has less tolerance for criticism than the Turkish President Erdogan. Because of his heavy handed ruling, the Turks attempted a military coup.  As you may know, it was responded to with a drastic reprisal to thousands of people.

Use your imagination to flash forward to when the “Donald” is met with freedom of speech from the general population. As Commander-in-Chief, when he declares “Martial Law” then anything can happen. Calling him “thin skinned” is an understatement based on his constant rebuttal tweets. Imagine if President Obama responded that way every time he was chastised in an op-ed, tweet or by a right wing commentator. It takes very little to push Trump’s temper.  If we allow him to become President, there is no doubt the U.S. will have a more detrimental global impact than what happened in Turkey.

Let me close with this last Turkish comparison. At the Democratic convention, multiple military leaders stood on stage and spoke out against a Trump presidency. They were extremely opposed to some of his proposed machinations. That is how a military coup gets started. When good people are silent evil things happen. It is imperative that every reader speak up to their friends, colleagues and church members. We need to get the vote out to prevent this apocalypse.  The global strength/footprint of the U.S., in the hands of a narcissistic demagogue like Trump could result in the end of days?

About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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